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在音乐会后的专辑发布会上,乐评人周笑扬对专辑《缘》表达了自己的见解。她说“专辑封面的寓意非凡,我想到Leon Fleisher说过的一句话’音乐是一面镜子,重要的是你要看到自己。’左边闭眼投入的状态好比台上演奏时的复刻,右边睁眼的状态好比内心清醒的自己,时刻审视自己的音乐表达,才能做到完美。



《陈慧琳Season 2演唱会-澳门站》正式官宣













Kelly 「Season 2」演唱会可谓是诚意满满,由萧氏机构、特高娱乐、小金鹿娱乐联合举办,


其中有合作无间的御用音乐总监雷颂德(Mark Lui)、舞蹈总监黄国荣(Sunny Wong)

以及著名填词人黄伟文(Wyman)为压轴新歌《Season 2》填词。

并且Kelly在「Season 2」演唱会澳门站记者会上表示已经太久没有在舞台上表演了,想要趁着演唱会跳很多舞。

由此看来,陈慧琳这次的「Season 2」演唱会,将会有比以往更多的劲歌热舞。







而且更与Sing Sing Rabbit推出粤语版及日文版新曲《The day when we fall in love》,再次进军日本市场。

演唱会以「Season 2」命名,其实是Kelly压轴登场的全新单曲《Season 2》的歌名,意味着她再次投入音乐事业。

Kelly也在采访中坦言,「Season 2」其实正代表着她音乐事业来到第二季的重新出发。


她也正在学习与适应,重新去“Pick up返所有嘢”。


2023年绝对是陈慧琳的「Season 2」。


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Kelly以华丽造型亮相,将“冻龄女神”的美态尽现,一出场就令观众尖叫声四起,反应热烈!向来懂得搞气氛的她心情兴奋,热情地跟巿民打招呼,并说:“大家好,很久不见!Let’s Party!今次在维港开骚,对我来说也是新鲜体验,加上可以跟大家欣赏日落美景,份外开心!”







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Sex on the beach.

Sex on the beach.

Names and some details have been changed for privacy reasons. I can’t contain this story, but I can’t tell anyone I know either. That’s why I’m sharing a story that happened to me here.
We sat in a big group on the beach. There were 10 of us, there were whiskey and cola, and hd porn movie before that there was a lot more. The party was slowly coming to an end. My husband went home, and I said that I would stay a little longer. We lived nearby. Then I don’t know why I decided to stay, because it was already late, and I didn’t know those who stayed very well. But I still wanted to sit by the sea, on this warm night, when you are not at all cold. Drink, talk about all sorts of nonsense and laugh.
There were four of us left: me and three men. I am 30 years old, they are about 40 or a little more. I remember that among them was the one whom I saw for the first time. He was kind of silent, but apparently he liked our company, and he did not leave.
I don’t remember how it came to this, I remember that I wanted to write and went to the water, behind the stones. I was drunk, I was staggering, the picture was dancing before my eyes, but my brain was thinking. “Okay, Rita,” I thought, “it’s all right, well, you got drunk, now you’ll quietly go home and get some sleep.”
When I went back, the same silent man was walking towards me. Let his name be Igor.
Where did you go, are you all right?
-Yes, I wrote, let’s go back.
I did not want to be alone with him, so that this would hd sex tube not arouse suspicion in anyone.
Then we sat still, I don’t remember what we talked about. Talk about everything and at once. But I wanted to write again. By this point, the alcohol in me became even more. I was cheerful and felt a surge of freedom and recklessness. I found everything funny and cool. I got up and went to the toilet again, but then Igor said that he also wanted to. I said that there is a good place in the stones and we went together. I remember he somehow strangely followed me – as if a little behind and to the side, and from this there was a feeling that he was following me like a monitor lizard. Slowly pursues and does not take his eyes off.
Igor offered to swim and I thought it would be cool, the water would sober me up a bit. I quickly undressed to the naked and went into the water. You shouldn’t swim drunk, I decided not to go deep, but just take a dip near the shore. Igor followed me and now he is standing next to me and stroking my body. I understand that you should not do this, but his touches are very hot porn videos pleasant to me. We stand in the water not deep at all, somewhere knee-deep. I say that I will write now and asked him to hold his hand between my legs. He said that he also wants so and I took his cock. We wrote and hot urine flowed pleasantly into the water, small waves rustled.
I dipped again to wash my body. Between my legs it was slippery and pleasant. They came out of the water and Igor tried to fill me up on a sunbed. I got scared and said that they might see us. But he had a member and I thought that I could just masturbate to him. I didn’t bring him to orgasm, I don’t remember why. Mounted police passed us, held their eyes, but said nothing. I was glad about it, after all, what’s wrong with jerking off on the beach in the dead of night? I guess I still hurried back to the guys, because hot sex videos I didn’t want to be caught.
Again, we all sat together for a bit and I was terribly thirsty. But there was only whiskey left. The shops are closed and then I remembered that there should be a water fountain at the end of the beach. I went there. And of course, Igor followed me again, still relentlessly pursuing me.
There was no one else on the beach. I found a fountain and leaned over it, drinking water and it was amazingly tasty and icy. I must confess to you that when I bent over to drink, I shook my ass. I have a great butt. I hot xxx movies drank and felt him stroking my ass. I no longer wanted to drink and just stood, bending over the concrete fountain. Igor pulled down my pants and put his hand in the crotch. I felt that I had been flowing all over for a long time. By the way, I didn’t have panties, I lost them on the beach when I was swimming.
From the touch of his hand, I was covered with warmth and pleasure. It’s like when you eat something very tasty and it’s impossible to just take it and stop. I moaned in pleasure. He pulled out his cock. I was scared, I said “no need”, but he did not seem to hear me and only bent harder and inserted a member. I could feel it gliding smoothly over my lube. I said i porn something else, but I don’t remember the words. She asked me not to cum inside me. Member jumped out and asked him to enter my ass.
It was a complete thrill, I moaned and it was all the same. Excitation throbbed in my head and I just wanted to fuck. I felt like a whore, and I was. She spread her legs and finished in front of an unfamiliar man. I liked it so much. It was so easy and enjoyable. I turned around to see his face. I was shocked by his gaze, I tried to free myself, but he squeezed me with his hands and pressed me to the fountain.
I asked:
-Do you like it?
-Like to fuck me like a whore?
-Yes. Really like. Whore – he said, planting online porn a member deeper on every word.
-whore, whore, whore – phe repeated.
I felt that I would soon finish and told him this. He fucked me, and I spread in waves of pleasure passing through my body. Then he abruptly came out and I felt a shot of sperm on my back, he finished with a groan.
I washed my face with water and said that I needed online porn movies to return. We walked and I began to return to reality. I felt ashamed and embarrassed. I told him about it. He told me not to worry because it was awesome.
I came up with an excuse for the guys that I felt bad and I threw up, and Igor helped me find water. I don’t know if they believed us. I don’t want to think about it. But no one saw, so there was nothing. It is so?
Then we all went home, dawn came abruptly. At porn clips home, I immediately took a shower. The husband is already awake. He said that he was worried that I had been gone for so long, called, but I did not pick up the phone. I apologized, said that I did not get the phone at all so as not to fuck him drunk. She said she wouldn’t do it again and apologized again. She said we had a good time. He calmed down, kissed me and went to work.
And I drank more water with coal so as not to die of a hangover in the morning. I took the vibrator and porn films finished again. Because even though this whole situation seems wrong to me, it turns me on as fucked up.

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